Ezeiza International Airport is known for handling the largest number of passengers in Argentina. If you are planning your next trip that will depart from Ezeiza airport, then you should have several questions in mind. Well, to obtain these answers you can contact Ezeiza airport customer service through various channels that can be seen below
Communicate with Ezeiza international airport by phone
In order to make a call to Ezeiza Aeropuerto customer service for a call, follow the steps indicated below.
- First dial the airport phone number +54 11 5480-6111 on your mobile.
- After this, you will be able to hear an IVR voice giving you instructions
- You then follow the institutions and choose your language along with the service you wish to receive assistance with.
- Now pressing the announced button communicates with the representative in real time
Contact the Ezeiza Airport office
Passengers can contact Ezeiza Airport executives by visiting their office in Buenos Aires. To do this you can use the following postal address indicated below.
Direccion Postal: AU Tte. Gral. Pablo Riccheri Km 33,5, B 1802 Ezeiza, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
¿Cuántas terminales tiene el Aeropuerto Ezeiza?
Si desea saber sobre terminal del aeropuerto de Ezeiza, entonces el aeropuerto de Ezeiza cuenta con 3 terminales. El primer Terminal A que se utiliza para las aerolíneas internacionales.
¿Qué tan temprano necesitas llegar al aeropuerto de Eze?
Le recomienda que llegue con 4 horas de antelación a los vuelos internacionales y 2 horas y 30 minutos para los vuelos domésticos en el aeropuerto de Ezeiza.
¿A qué hora abre el aeropuerto EZE?
El aeropuerto internacional de Ezeiza abre 24 horas y 7 días de la semana para ofrecer sus servicios a los pasajeros.
Therefore, in this way you can use ezeiza airport phone number and other information to resolve your complaints. If you have any further questions, visit the airport contact page.
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